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A List of Most Theory Blogs

January 26, 2022

The list doesn’t destroy culture; it creates it. Wherever you look in cultural history, you will find lists—Umberto Eco

Luca Trevisan, Stefan Schmid, James Lee, Scott Aaronson, Michael Mitzenmacher, Omer Reingold, Lance Fortnow, David Eppstein are some of the top bloggers in theory. That is not “in theory” but “in the area of theory”.

This led us to spend some time while watching NFL football to put together a list of theory blogs for computer science. We insist that they are reasonably current. Our rule is: They must have some posts in 2021.

Our List

The next is the list:

  1. 11011110
  2. Adventures in Computation
  3. Bits of DNA
  4. Calvin Cafe: The Simons Institute
  5. Combinatorics and more
  6. Computational Complexity
  7. Constructive Economics Frank Morgan
  8. Godel’s Lost Letter and P=NP
  9. Google Research
  10. Gowers
  11. Igor Pak’s
  12. in theory
  13. Joel David Hamkins
  14. kd-PhD
  15. Math {\cap} Programming
  16. Math Professor Quotes
  17. Mathematics and Computation
  18. Mathematics under the Microscope
  19. Mathematics without Apologies, by Michael Harris
  20. My Biased Coin
  21. My Choices (Oded Goldreich)
  22. Off the convex path
  23. Peter Cameron
  24. Process Algebra Diary
  25. QED and NOM
  26. Shtetl-Optimized
  27. Some Plane Truths
  28. Tanya Khovanova’s Math
  29. The Big Data Theory
  30. The Geomblog
  31. The polymath blog
  32. Theory Announcements
  33. Theory Matters
  34. Tobias Osborne’s research notes
  35. Turing’s Invisible Hand
  36. What’s new
  37. Windows On Theory
  38. XOR’s Hammer

Open Problems

We would like to get some feedback. First any typos in the above? Second any we should have included? Third, any we should have left out—they do not satisfy our 2021 rule?

7 Comments leave one →
  1. Clément Canonne permalink
    January 26, 2022 5:18 pm

    Laudable initiative, but it may be worth looking at (panel on the right), which was created and maintained for this exact purpose, and contact the 3 maintainers to suggest addition/deletions instead of coming up with a separate list.

  2. January 27, 2022 4:05 am

    Muli Safra has a new blog.

    A blog on Fourier Analysis of Boolean Functions

    Thomas Vidick’s blog is missing from your list.

  3. Sam permalink
    January 27, 2022 4:45 am

    This blog by a MIT grad student is pretty awesome:

  4. January 27, 2022 3:09 pm

    will do…thanks

  5. January 27, 2022 3:14 pm

    Did check these. They do not satisfy the rule: Must have 2021 or later


  6. sam permalink
    January 28, 2022 3:51 am
    Muli Safra’s blog has some posts from 2021.


  1. A List of Most Theory Blogs by furcyd - HackTech News

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